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linear analysis中文是什么意思

用"linear analysis"造句"linear analysis"怎么读"linear analysis" in a sentence


  • 图线分析
  • 线性分析


  • The geometrical non - linear analysis of space truss
  • Energy method for the geometric non - linear analysis of higher bridge piers
  • Analysis shows that just before and after the concrete slabs take effects , linear analysis overestimates the stresses of the concrete slabs
  • Non - linear analysis of reinforced concrete frames the parameters that influence the behavior of reinforced concrete frame structures are discussed and modeled
  • Linear and non - linear case of frame structures are analyzed , and the non - linear analyses are compared and contrasted with american code of practice
  • According to former research products , when choosing rigid node , analysis in structure analysis , especially in non - linear analysis of slts will be reasonable
  • Based on this idea , a general framework for linear analysis in singular case is developed , i . e . , pca is first used to reduce the dimension of image space to m ( the rank of the total scatter matrix )
    更为重要的是,我们进一步揭示了高维、小样本情况下线性鉴别分析的本质,即先作k - l变换,再用fisher鉴别变换作二次特征抽取。
  • Following the linear analysis , a new nonlinear theory for curved members with i - shaped sections is presented according to the theory of finite deformation , in which the effect of transverse stress is also incorporated
  • Since most of the general predicting methods are based on linear analysis , when it comes to non - linear cases they met many difficulties , while ann is competent for non - linear proceeding for its excellent non - linear character
  • The traditional encryption algorithm ' s security intensity is scarcity , its key " length is too short to resist the attack of the differential cryptanalysis and linear analysis , and exist considerable serious safe trouble
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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